
  • Sascha Djamal Matthes Institut für Keramik, Glas- und Baustofftechnologie TU Bergakademie Freiberg
  • Dietrich Stoyan Institut für Stochastik TU Bergakademie Freiberg



fibre process, fibre-reinforced materials, line-segment process, stereology, stochastic geometry


This paper studies three-dimensional segment processes in the framework of stochastic geometry. The main objective is to find relations between the characteristics of segment processes such as orientation- and length-distribution, and characteristics of their sections with planes. Formulae are derived for the distribution of segment lengths on both sides of the section plane and corresponding orientations, where it is permitted that there are correlations between the angles and lengths of the line-segments.


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Matthes, S. D., & Stoyan, D. (2014). PLANAR SECTIONS THROUGH THREE-DIMENSIONAL LINE-SEGMENT PROCESSES. Image Analysis and Stereology, 33(1), 55-64.