Application of Semi-Supervised Mean Teacher to Rock Image Segmentation


  • Jiashan Li Northeast Petroleum University
  • Yuxue Wang Northeast Petroleum University



Image segmentation, ResNet, Rock image, Self-attention, Semi-supervised learning, Unet


Accurate segmentation of rock images is crucial for studying the internal structure and properties of rocks. To address the issue of requiring a large number of labeled images for model training in traditional image segmentation methods, this paper proposes an improved semi-supervised Mean Teacher algorithm based on ResNet34-UNet. This method achieves relatively accurate rock image segmentation using only a small amount of labeled data. Initially, we use ResNet34-UNet as the base model to create Student Model and Teacher Model with identical structures. Then, we introduce self-attention mechanism into the semi-supervised Mean Teacher algorithm to further enhance its performance in rock image segmentation. Finally, by comparing the performance of supervised and semi-supervised Mean Teacher algorithms on image segmentation tasks, we validate the effectiveness of semi-supervised learning in rock image segmentation.


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Original Research Paper

How to Cite

Li, J., & Wang, Y. (2025). Application of Semi-Supervised Mean Teacher to Rock Image Segmentation. Image Analysis and Stereology, 44(1), 1-9.