Note on the Approximation of the Conditional Intensity of Non-stationary Cluster Point Processes


  • Edith Gabriel INRAE - French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment
  • Joel Chadoeuf INRAE - French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment



conditional intensity, Neyman-Scott process, point process


In this note we consider non-stationary cluster point processes and we derive their local intensity, i.e. the intensity of the process given the locations of one or more events of the process. We then provide some approximations of this local intensity.

Author Biography

  • Edith Gabriel, INRAE - French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment




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Short Research Communication

How to Cite

Gabriel, E., & Chadoeuf, J. (2022). Note on the Approximation of the Conditional Intensity of Non-stationary Cluster Point Processes. Image Analysis and Stereology, 41(3), 229-233.