
  • Li Wang Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China
  • Yong Tang Chongqing Medical University
  • Kejun Kang Tsinghua University
  • Zhiqiang Chen Tsinghua University
  • Ruiyun Peng Academy of Military Medicine Sciences
  • Zhengwei Yang North Sichuan Medical College
  • Guoquan Liu University of Science and Technology Beijing




biomedical stereology, China, history, image analysis, materials stereology, stereology


This review article introduces the formation and development of stereology in China under the background of the development of international stereology. In the early 1970s, some stereological monographs and collections were introduced into China, and Chinese scholars began to understand, study and promote stereology knowledge. Meanwhile, the widespread use of image analysis systems has contributed to the spread of stereology in China. On the other hand, academic exchanges and personnel training have played a catalytic role in the formation of stereology in China. According to China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) statistics, the number and impact of Chinese papers in stereology continues to grow during the past 30 years. After in-depth discussion, Chinese scholars have adopted a broader definition of stereology. With economic development and technological progress, China has great potential to develop, promote and apply the stereological methods and the related technologies.


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Review Article

How to Cite

Wang, L., Tang, Y., Kang, K., Chen, Z., Peng, R., Yang, Z., & Liu, G. (2018). A HISTORY OF THE STEREOLOGY IN CHINA. Image Analysis and Stereology, 37(1), 9-19. https://doi.org/10.5566/ias.1791

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